Friday, June 22, 2012

The War Continues

Even as I write this from the bunker three fruit flies enemy scouts are sitting on the top of my laptop. I have to admit Nick and I were incredibly pleased with how well our kitchen traps were working. We woke on Day 6 to find the hundreds were buzzing around stupidly in the organic salad trap, lured by the irresistible smell of rotting banana peel, balsamic vinegar, and a strawberry that had literally melted into the container. It looked uncannily like blood...

Nick was so pleased in fact that he had taken to making comments to the flies as he walked by.

"At this point there's a good chance there's a second generation trapped in there."
"God, they are so stupid but you have to hand it to the buggers they certainly are persistent."

Then he began to smush the ones that had crawled up into the lid lip leaving a war zone of bloody little fly bodies-a warning to the other.

"It's like bubble wrap."
"Only squishier..."

The war was going well! We were feeling great and in control until...

We woke day 8 to find all the traps missing and a swarm fruit flies in the kitchen, bedroom, and living room.

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