Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The War Begins

It seems that in the process of trying to save the planet and recycle our food scraps and start our compost bin Nick and I have inadvertently provided the ideal new home for thousands of fruit flies.

We've decided to wage war.


 Day 1: Our reconnaissance mission to the base proved frightening and we almost lost Nick. We can't afford to be so unprepared in the future because I'm certainly not equipped well enough to take on the colony alone.  

Day 2: Determined to learn as much about these little bastards as possible we started our mission to research and ascertain any possible weaknesses. They breed extremely fast and a colony can multiply and double in a matter of a week.  

Day 3: Nick comes up with plan to set fire to the colony.  
Day 3.5: Caitlin vetos Nick's plan to set fire to colony.  

Day 4: We come up with a two fold plan which involves killing off the flies in the house and then suffocating the main colony.

Nick rigged up a fruit fly trap using an overly ripe banana peel and a plastic salad bin. He poked holes in it and placed the banana inside. Turns out they're too stupid to fly out the same tiny holes. Outside we cut open a trash bag and tape covered all the holes in our rubbermaid compost bin. Trapping and (hopefully) suffocating the flies inside.  

Day 5: Woke to find several hundred flies angry and buzzing in our kitchen trap.

Stay tuned to find out who will win the war!

1 comment:

  1. I read that if you bury the newly added food in your compost bin with dirt/shredded paper/tree leaves, fruit flies won't lay their eggs. It won't stop new ones from hatching but there won't be new eggs being laid.
